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  • All You Need To Know About Gaited Horses: What Is A Gaited Horse?

All You Need To Know About Gaited Horses: What Is A Gaited Horse?

all you need to know about gaited horses - gaited horse breeds - aspiring horseman

Have you ever wondered, "What is a gaited horse?" and "What makes them so unique and sought after?"

The secret lies in their distinct movement patterns and smooth, comfortable gaits.

This post will explore the world of gaited horses, their unique characteristics, and the various disciplines in the horse world they excel.

Short Summary

  • Gaited horses are renowned for their specialized gait patterns and additional gaits beyond the standard walk, trot, canter, and gallop.

  • The DMRT3 gene is responsible for regulating unique gaits in these horse breeds. Breeding plays an essential role in developing & preserving them.

  • Gaited horses are popularly used for pleasure riding, shows/competitions & trail riding; they may even jump or gallop with proper training!

Understanding Gaited Horses

Gaited horses have been increasingly capturing the hearts of equestrians worldwide thanks to their exceptional movement patterns that set them apart from non-gaited breeds.

Known for their smooth and comfortable ride, gaited horses have been developed to provide riders with a pleasurable means of traversing extended distances without fatigue.

In contrast to trotting horses, gaited horses possess distinct gaits that allow them to glide effortlessly, enabling the rider to remain still in the saddle.

Gaited Horse Definition

A gaited horse can perform additional gaits beyond the standard walk, trot, canter, and gallop, providing a smoother and more comfortable ride for the rider.

They have developed a distinct manner of locomotion that sets them apart from other horses, making them highly desirable for various equestrian disciplines and activities.

Types of Gaits

Gaited horses can perform up to five gaits, often providing a smooth ride for the rider. These gaits can be classified into two primary types: lateral ambling gaits and diagonal ambling gaits.

Lateral ambling gaits, such as the tölt in Icelandic Horses, involve the movement of the legs on the same side of the body simultaneously. In contrast, diagonal ambling gaits, like the fox trot in Missouri Fox Trotting Horses, involve diagonal pairs of legs moving together.

The pace, a lateral two-beat gait, is an exception to the ambling gaits, as it involves the simultaneous movement of both legs on the same side of the body. 

The Science Behind Gaited Horses

The unique gaits of gaited horses can be attributed to the role of the DMRT3 gene, which plays a significant role in the coordination of locomotion in these equine breeds.

Breeding also plays a crucial role in the development of gaited horse breeds, as it allows for the selection of horses with desirable characteristics, such as gaiting ability.

DMRT3 Gene

The DMRT3 gene controls the unique gaits in gaited horses and is present in many gaited horse breeds. This gene is accountable for regulating the exclusive gaits observed in gaited horses, and a mutation in the DMRT3 gene, referred to as the 'Gait keeper' mutation, significantly affects the gait and coordination of horses.

This mutation is responsible for the four-beat ambling gait, which is a smooth gait.

Breeding Gaited Horses

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Breeding plays a significant role in developing and maintaining gaited horse breeds, with specific traits passed down through generations.

By selecting horses with desirable characteristics and breeding them together, breeders can create gaited horse breeds that are more consistent in their gaiting ability.

Top Gaited Horse Breeds

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Several popular gaited horse breeds are known for their exceptional gaits and captivating movement. Some of the most well-known gaited horses include distinguished breeds such as the Tennessee Walking Horse, Icelandic Horse, Paso Fino, and Montana Traveler.

Tennessee Walking Horse

The Tennessee Walking Horse is a popular gaited horse breed known for its distinctive, four-beat running walk. This breed is known for its smooth gait and gentle temperament, making it popular for pleasure riding and horse shows.

The Tennessee Walking Horse is a great choice for riders of all levels, from beginners to experienced enthusiasts who appreciate the smooth gait and temperament of Tennessee Walking Horses.

Icelandic Horse

Icelandic horses are renowned for their sure-footedness and comfortable tölt gait, a fluid, four-beat gait exclusive to the Icelandic Horse.

These versatile horses are ideal for trail riding and horse shows, as their sure-footedness and comfortable gait make them a popular choice for riders of all levels.

Paso Fino

Paso Fino horses are small, sturdy, and known for their smooth and elegant gaits. They are also known as the Paso Fino, Paso Corto, and Paso Largo. Due to their unique movements and stylish appearance, these horses are famous for pleasure riding and horse shows.

Paso Fino horses, along with the fox trotting horse, are known for their ability to perform a variety of gaits.

Montana Traveler

Montana Traveler horses, also known as the Rocky Mountain Horse, are a rare breed known for their natural four-beat gait and sure-footedness, making them excellent trail riding companions.

Despite their rarity, these horses have gained a reputation for their ability to traverse long distances quickly and comfortably, thanks to their unique gait.

Their sure-footedness and natural gait make them ideal for long-distance riding.

Gaited Horses in Action: Uses and Disciplines

Gaited horses excel in various uses and disciplines, including pleasure riding, horse shows, harness races, and trail riding.

Their unique gaits and captivating movement make them popular for riders seeking a smooth and comfortable riding experience.

Pleasure Riding

One of the primary reasons equestrians choose gaited horses is for pleasure riding, where the smooth and comfortable gaits of these horses provide an enjoyable experience for riders of all ages and experience levels.

The unique movement patterns of gaited horses make them famous for leisurely rides and long-distance treks.

Gaited horses are also popular for show and competition, as their gaits are often judged.

Horse Shows

Many gaited horse breeds, such as the Tennessee Walking Horse, Icelandic Horse, and Paso Fino, excel in horse shows, showcasing their unique gaits and flashy movements.

These breeds' even gaits and eye-catching movement make them more appealing to judges and spectators, increasing their chances of receiving awards and prizes.

Harness Races

Some gaited horse breeds, such as the Standardbred, are used in harness races due to their fast pacing abilities.

Harness racing involves horses racing at a specific gait, usually a trot or pace, while pulling a two-wheeled cart known as a sulky or spider.

Trail Riding

Gaited horses are well-suited for trail riding, as their smooth gaits and sure-footedness make them comfortable and reliable companions on long rides.

Their unique movement patterns and ability to traverse various terrains make them a popular choice for equestrians exploring the great outdoors on horseback.

Don't expect to hold a conversation down the trail if you are with someone on a non-gaited horse. Gaited horses can move! You might start near each other, and in no time flat, the gaited horse will be way ahead down the trail, causing your partners to trot to catch up.

Trust me, my in-laws have a couple of gaited horses, and their "walk" is around 3rd gear for Mustang I ride.

Caring for Gaited Horses: Training and Tack

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Proper training and tack selection are essential for the well-being and performance of gaited horses.

With the right approach, these horses can develop their unique gaits to their full potential, providing a smooth and comfortable riding experience for their riders.

Training Tips

Training gaited horses requires patience and consistency, with a focus on developing balance, rhythm, and forward movement.

Through proper instruction and practice, gaited horses can learn to perform their unique gaits easily and gracefully, making them a joy to ride.

Tack Selection

When selecting tack for gaited horses, it is essential to choose equipment that fits properly and is suitable for the specific discipline or activity.

Properly fitted tack ensures the horse's comfort and ease of movement, allowing them to perform at their best in any situation.

Tack should be chosen based on the horse's size, conformation, and behavior.

Some saddles are designed and made specifically for gaited horses.

These saddles allow more freedom of movement in their shoulders and allow the horses to move more freely in their special gaits (while keeping you and the saddle secure).

Common Gaited Horse Misconceptions

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Some common misconceptions about gaited horses may lead to confusion or misunderstandings.

In this section, we will address these misconceptions, including their jumping abilities and galloping capabilities.

Gaited horses are often considered unable to jump, but this is not true; most gaited horses jump quite well.

Jumping Abilities

While gaited horses may not be natural jumpers, they can be trained to jump small obstacles with proper instruction and practice.

It is important to recognize that each horse is unique. With the right approach, gaited horses can learn to jump and excel in various equestrian disciplines.

Galloping Capabilities

Gaited horses can gallop, but their unique gaits often make cantering a more enjoyable and suitable option for both horse and rider. 


In this post, we have explored the world of gaited horses, their unique movement patterns, and the various disciplines they excel in. From pleasure riding to horse shows, harness races, and trail riding, gaited horses provide a smooth and comfortable ride that equestrians worldwide enjoy.

With proper training, tack selection, and care, these remarkable horses can reach their full potential, showcasing their exceptional gaits and captivating movement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean if your horse is gaited?

Gaited horses are unique because their gait allows them to move each leg independently, meaning that one hoof is always on the ground. This increases their energy efficiency and endurance, making gaited horses great for long-distance riding.

Gaited horses are an excellent choice for riders who want to cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time.

They are also great for riders who want to enjoy a smooth ride. 

What is the difference between a gaited horse and a regular horse?

A gaited horse moves like a regular horse does at a walk, but its faster gait is a swift walk instead of a trot. This means they have a wide range of speeds, averaging around 8.1 mph (13 kilometers per hour).

A gaited horse can even walk so fast that it's like a trot.

How do you know if a horse is gaited?

Gaited horses can trot with each leg working independently in a four-beat pattern, making them quadrilateral. This can be identified by observing their gait, which traditionally follows a pattern of right hind, right front, left hind, left front, or vice versa.

The four-beat pattern of gaited horses is unique and allows them to move with a smooth, comfortable gait.

This makes them ideal for riders who want to cover long distances without the jarring of a trot or can cover long distances without the jarring of a trot.

Can you canter a gaited horse?

Yes, you can canter a gaited horse. It may be challenging to achieve initially, but it will eventually improve with the proper techniques and practice.

What are gaited breeds of horses?

Gaited horses are selectively bred for their natural tendency to perform the four-beat horse gaits, collectively called ambling gaits. These horses conserve energy and have incredible stamina and endurance, making them great for traveling.

Gaited horses are known for their smooth ride and are famous for trail riding and other recreational activities. They are also used in show rings, as they can perform a variety of gaits not seen in other shows.